Richard Kertatos

Richard Kertatos

Richard Kertatos was born in West Palm Beach, Florida, but moved to Locust Valley, NY shortly after. After looking around for extra-curricular activities, he discovered the nearby Waterfront Center, which week-long learn to sail courses. He quickly fell in love with sailing and started enrolling in sailing camps every summer, but after a few years it just wasn’t enough so Richard started doing high school sailing at the Waterfront Center, and joined the 420 race team. In the summer going into 9th grade, he started sailing J105s on the Waterfront Centers big boat team. Besides sailing, Richard loves to play guitar and sing. He came to Oakcliff for the offshore program, hoping to gain more experience in both offshore sailing and different boats. He plans on learning more about careers in sailing, and eventually starting a path in that himself. Richard is very excited to be an offshore Acorn.

2016 Offshore Acorn