25 Jul doug shannon finds victory at JULY grade 5

Oakcliff’s July Grade 5 saw medium breeze and a heat index of 110 and the racing was just as hot as the weather. With marked improvement in each of the five teams who participated, the racing got tighter and tighter as the day went on until Doug Shannon and Sapling Connor Sheridan had a photo finish in the third race of the first-to-two finals.

On the final downwind, Connor was leading Doug who was just on the threshold of establishing leeward overlap. Connor’s bow crossed the line, satisfying the condition for “finishing” the race, and Doug established overlap and luffed him up. Although Connor had technically finished the race, his stern had not cleared the finish line, which meant that he was still technically “racing” and required to keep clear; however he did not alter quickly enough so he received a penalty and lost the race.
- Doug Shannon
- Connor Sheridan
- Jack Murphy
- Danielle Gallo
- Ward Brooks